Gun Symbols

A gun symbol made of characters and symbols, often called ASCII art, is a creative way to design a gun's representation using simple keyboard characters like |, _, /, and -. These symbols are arranged in a way that visually resembles the shape of a gun. Here's a basic example:

Copy 10+ Gun Symbols

"_____◒▓▓▓▓▓◣▁▁▁▙ β—€ β—₯β–™β–›β–€β–€β–œβ–›β–”β–”
Gun Symbol 1
Gun Symbol 2
Gun Symbol 3
Gun Symbol 4
̿’̿’̡͇̿̿ ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一
Gun Symbol 5
Gun Symbol 6
Gun Symbol 7
Gun Symbol 8
Gun Symbol 9
Gun Symbol 10
Gun Symbol 11
